#California stem education professional
“C-STEM training and use of the robotics and programming skills that are taught has been the best professional development training of my 28-year career,” said teacher Roland Hosch. This innovative practice is transforming public K-12 math and computer science education. Redlands is the first school district in the nation that has 25 teachers who have gone through four college-level courses needed to earn their credential. “More students are demonstrating resilience and persistence in their math progression than ever before, which to us, is an immeasurable outcome.” Redlands partnered with UC Davis to make math instruction with computer science a reality for many of our students who have historically disconnected from learning math,” said Ken Wagner, assistant superintendent of Redlands Unified School District.

“Improving math instruction for student success is the most challenging task in education. The Joint Computer Science Supplementary Teaching Credential Authorization Program has helped Redlands address gaps in student opportunity and achievement, and teachers’ skills. Twenty-five teachers from Redlands Unified School District in southern California recently completed training in integrating computer science into math education through a joint program offered by the University of California, Davis, and UC Riverside Extension.